麻豆传媒视频 Bond 2019

Building and modernizing classrooms, facilities
and technology for today's students.

In 2019, Arlington voters decided to invest in their local school district by passing Bond 2019.

Their generosity will have a lasting impact for generations to come.

Aging schools have a huge impact on the community.

More Costly
to Maintain

Less Inspiring for the Community

Not Built for Today's Educational Needs

The students of your community deserve
schools they can be proud of.

That's what Bond 2019 delivers.

Thanks to you, Bond 2019 is changing students' lives
as it improves their schools.

When you strengthen your school district, you strengthen your community.

4 new campus rebuilds

110 new playgrounds at elementary schools

6 softball 铿乪lds upgraded to competition 铿乪lds

6 resurfaced track and 铿乪ld facilities

1 new fine arts/dual language junior high

1 new fine arts/dual language high school

87 new school buses

6 new high school band trailers


Every student is better set up for success because of Bond 2019. From classrooms to sports facilities to playgrounds, the students of 麻豆传媒视频 have experienced the bene铿乼s of advanced opportunities.


Safety and security have always been a priority for 麻豆传媒视频. Thanks to Bond 2019, all of our new buses have seatbelts and A/C, we have installed elite security cameras throughout the entire district, and we are utilizing a new security infrastructure to help keep our students and sta铿 safer than ever.


We believe every student should have full access to everything they need to be successful. Bond 2019 has enabled us to retro铿乼 buildings by improving our ramps, sidewalks and bathrooms. We are also building two new age-appropriate accessible playgrounds at every elementary school.

57,000 students have been directly impacted by Bond 2019.

Fine Arts

Fine Arts

  • Top of the line band trailers, uniforms, and instruments are available to students at no cost to rent and are built to last. Every student who wants an instrument can get an instrument!
  • New risers, theater equipment, and visual arts equipment allow our fine arts students to shine.
  • Artists have brand new graphic arts tables available to them.
  • New uniforms provided for drill teams and choirs.



  • To ensure all students have access to a world class virtual learning experience, wireless access points and hotspots provide all students with vital access to the internet.
  • Every student has available to them the devices (tablets, iPads, computers) necessary to learn in this modern era.



  • Rebuilding three elementary schools and one junior high
  • New career and technical centers
  • Schools receiving upgrades and necessary additions
  • New gymnasiums for elementary schools
  • Athletic facilities renovations, including girls softball competition fields and new stadium



  • 87 new buses
  • 22 new shuttle buses
  • 103 service vehicles
  • New vehicles and trailers for the Dan Dipert Career + Technical Center, the Agricultural Science Center, high school bands and security

Aging school districts continue to hold communities back.

Thanks to Bond 2019, the students of 麻豆传媒视频 have unlimited opportunities to match their unlimited potential.

On behalf of the 麻豆传媒视频 family, thank you!